This story takes place in 1491. Tensions on the high seas are rising as a pirate group known as the Grimtide pirates have suddenly become an entire Armada. Their leader, Anton Grimtide has declared war on the Lord's Alliance and all their coastal territories. More and more flock to his cause, be it by promise of fortune and power, or fear and preservation of their own lives. The Lord's Alliance has disregarded this pirate group until recently, when several galleons have been sunk by the Grimtide menace. This is not to mention of course the various monsters and other villans the plague the sword coast. Despite all this, one Orc captain, Grol'tar "Two-Hands" sees only opportunity. Recently failing yet another endeavor, his reputation has hit an all time low. That has not stopped him, once again scrounging up funds for a ship, yet unnamed, he recruits no named adventurers seeking to make a name for themselves and make coin. Taking a job that few would take otherwise, but even more perilous given the state of the high seas, the crew sets say for Olumbor for seemingly a simple delivery job...